"God is like a pacific ocean. the most you could do is to stand by the edge and have fun splashing the water around. but you will never know the length and the breadth and how indepth the ocean is." - Sy Roger
"we are like ants trying to describe the characteristic of the humans which is impossible. we can only know the existence of God but we can never know fully his character." - Sy Roger
"i know you are praying for many people, but i cannot answer all of your prayers because some who know My Word are still selfish and they are living for the world. Whoever lives dishonestly and does not respect My words are people I will not bless, even if they are you loved ones.... Some will never change their hearts to become pure, and they will never be blessed." - taken from the book Heaven is so Real by Choo Thomas.
i ask God to help a friend. i ask Him, "is there anything i can do to help Her?" He answered, "NO. I will handle Her. LEAVE HER!" this is the third time this year i was called to leave her after she denied Him straight in my face despite the things He had done for her.
it did not make any sense initially but after today, i think i get the idea.
i got the idea not because i know what His plan was but because it is never my duty to ponder about His thoughts.
it is never our duty to decipher Him but to obey. so here i declare i will leave from your life totally until further instruction from God. all i could do now is to pray and hope that one day you will see the light. good bye friend for i still love you.
signing off with love at 2:00 PM
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