
greatness in service

i like to serve, i love serving people. i love to make them coffee, prepare them food, wash up for them, prepare document etc. i do not know why but i find pleasure in doing so. i believe i must have gotten it from my mum.

according to the bible, the greatest leader is he who serve. in the bible. Jesus is the greatest, yet he said in mark 10:45 "for even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many".

so i supposed my mother is a great mother, because she serve. for her 3 children, she slaved all day long, taking up part time job and finishing her housework everytime she comes back, yet without complain. (actually there are times she is erm... angry but who is perfect.) she is also a great wife, she serves my father. what a wonderful woman. here, i want to declare, i love her. (eeee mushy, not in our tradition to do it but anyway, i love you mum. you are the greatest. and i want to continue to see you in heaven.)

however, there are many in this world who have failed to understand servanthood. most of them even see servanthood as a sign of weakness because to serve is to obey every given authority, whether you like it or not.

i disagree. in fact it is the opposite. i have come to realise that people who are insecure are the ones who refuse to serve. because they want people to constantly see them as someone great. someone who is influential. someone who is powerful. so in attempt to gain more power,instead of serving, they talk about how great they will be, they grumble about the way things are, they criticise that it is is bad because......, everything instead of taking up the job.

now, i think, as what Jesus think, people who serve are the ones who know who they are, where they are coming from and what they are doing. there is no need to show because they know. and all the time, people see it through their services.

so i ask you to humble yourself and start serving. yes, throw away your pride and serve. when we serve we start thinking about others and what we can do to make him happy. it is only then will people see you in different light. do not be the empty vessel that keeps on irritating people but be sure of yourself for shallow water runs deep.

oh finally serve with love, not black faces!

signing off with love at 2:30 PM


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