
insadong, an awesome experience

it is a place which brings back fond memories of korea, the past and the old. the pavement which we walked on was once a river, now covered with black bricks, a traditional korean building material.

somehow that day, the 10 of us started to take artistic photos. like this, at random. taking people instead of buildings.

perhaps insadong is about human activities, the new and the old.

"deep" by kelvin

how many cameras can you find in the photo taken in samziegil? apparently this is the most popular building along the street because of its architecture. the owner decided to use architecture as a selling point to lure visitors like us, not just to visit and take photos but to spend money!

trying to be funny

jian xin, ting ting and me.

we just feel like taking photos as a tourist, not some architecture students. hahaha

ting ting being approached by korean christians who want to share the gospel with her. over here in korea, the christian faith is strong. it is very common to be approached to be asked to hear the gospel and to be prayed for.

a cell group holding their praise and worship session along the street, drawing in crowds into the whole singing session.

christians coming together under a common language


that's all folks, have a nice day!

signing off with love at 3:00 PM


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