it has begun
total number of lecture i've gone to: 3
total number of lecture i arrived late: 2
design module: first joint environmental worshop, 2005 fall, hyu-nus
to discuss and to produce a presentation with a model on the theme: wind
my take on wind
wind is an invisible element that caresses the environment, like our hands on silk, as it flirts with those who are in contact, leaving them hungry for her touch and presence
concept: embracing the forces of nature: wind
we cannot harness wind. we do not have the means and power to do so. with technology, it seems that we might have reached to the level on par with nature or even higher. unfortunately, this is a lie, an illusion. we are bluffed by the false reality that we have the capability to forcefully manipulate everything to our advantages. although man has succeeded in ‘manufacturing’ wind, the wind is never the same as what nature has provided. most often than not, these ‘manufactured’ winds are more harmful than beneficial.
appreciation of wind comes with respect. the respect for nature and the respect for what she can provide. in fact it requires less complicated machinery. we need to wait. it requires a process of mingling and asking. this process asked for a clear mind that is not burdened by the complicatedness of the world.
signing off with love at 11:30 AM
designed by SoUnreal Designs[C].
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