second shock from the test and more.....
history of western architecture
a totally traumatic experience
written in the instruction heading, "choose the correct word to fill in the blanks".
"erm.. professor? where are the helping words?"
wrong choice of word i guess but when he say choose during the class, naturally we thought there should be a box with lots of helping words for use to choose to fill in the blank. i guess we are all wrong.
a contradictory experience
western history is an easy test because it is set in format that requires pure memorisation
but because it is a pure test of memorisation, it is so difficult.
the last and finally horrific experience ( i hope )
it is construction management test
we are all given an a3 size paper to write our answer on.
at the header there are boxes for us to fill in our names, date, subject paper no etc.
but, there are all in korean!
signing off with love at 11:00 PM
designed by SoUnreal Designs[C].
At October 25, 2005,
J O H N N Y said…
eh kenrus take it easy man. dont stress hah
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