
sometimes some decisions do not make sense when they are first made

a month ago, i made a decision to come back on the 4th of jan (wednesday) as i thought 4th of jan would be a good day. however i realised my foolishness after the booking was made because i did not check with the cors modules registration timetable. to make the matter worse, irene had too booked the same flight with me after learning my date of departure.
sigh. tickets are booked and it is too inconvenient to make the change. i guess i just have to leave everything to Him.
anyway today i check my e-mail and the registration time table was released. imagine my excitment when i saw the timetable! 4th of jan is the only free day among the packed registration schedule!

praise the LORD!

signing off with love at 2:00 AM
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i feel so blessed and privileged
because i know His intention of me to go to sarang church
it for a single purpose -
to attend the most important meeting
which is to take part in the holy communion

by faith, i said, God wants me to commune with Him.

signing off with love at 12:10 AM
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then the LORD said to satan, "have you considered My servant Job..." - job1:8

everything happen for reasons
be it good or bad
neither can we comprehen His intention
nor can we detemine the nature of the situation
but we can trust the LORD that everything is according to a plan
and everything has a perfect ending
His ending
have faith that whatever situation He puts you through
will bring forth a harvest
it is never easy
nobody says being His disciple is easy
because we will always meet challenges
because we will always meet opposition
because we will always meet with criticism
but we must always stand in the truth
we are one going to heaven

signing off with love at 12:00 AM
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there are no permanent friends
only permanent interest
til one day when interest differs
then will bonds be broken

signing off with love at 11:00 AM
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today's weather forecast

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more more pictures... for friends' sake
last day in saemmul community church
an end to a new beginning

장수학, 배세원


도리스 - my translator





배세원, 서명화

they are nice. too nice. a friendship that is built upon the Lord is simply awesome.

signing off with love at 4:00 PM
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more picture... for friends' sake

prof chen in action

정승환 a.k.a bob 조인중

notice irene at the back? ting ting ... bored

pretty sisters

signing off with love at 10:15 AM
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some photos... for friends' sake
singaporean students + bob (erm.... i do not know, he kind of become one of us)

see what i mean. haha - irene's idea of a classroom picture

signing off with love at 10:00 AM
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단풍 - colour change

the only thing that is constant is change...

are they beautiful because they are short-lived?


are they short-lived and therefore beautiful?

signing off with love at 10:00 AM
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"i do not like rich pastor! i will not be as close to God if i am rich!"
a brother told me that. my first reaction was speechless followed by a series of punches in my heart. once again this calls for the debate on whether it is alright to be rich. yes the question is, is it alright to be rich. we are not even going to touch on how you can use your wealth to glorify God.

it seems that satan has decieved so many people that they think it is a requirement to be poor in order to become holy. which part of it make sense to you?

God anointing will not leave because we are rich. in fact when we are close to God, we become rich, spiritually and physically. He is a rich God and He truely wants to give us money; everything in abundance. the question lies on whether we want to take it.

i supposed a lot of christians out there will scream, "no! it is right just to have enough!"
enough to do what? to feed just yourself?

ask yourself this question
are you rich enough to bring the poor and injured home to nurse them?
are you rich enough to print free bible for the nations?
are you rich enough to feed all the orphans in the orphanages?

why are some pastor richer than another?
picture this story
a father has two sons, john and calvin.
he gave them 5dollars each and get them to do some shopping for him.
calvin ignored his father and return him 5 dollars at the end of the day. his father was furious and never again will he trust calvin to do his task for him.
on the other hand, john took the money and did as he was told. father was pleased and he gave him more money to buy more things. familiar? yes this is adopted from the parables of talents.

similarily in modern day situation, God will trust us with money to do His things only when we have the correct mentality. it is perfectly fine to be rich. in fact it is God's will that you and are are rich. because there are so many things He wants to do through you.

so friends, do not be deceived by the devil. without money you can do nothing. but with money, you can have power!

signing off with love at 12:00 PM
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"i do not like that person, because he is just like me!!"

a friend said this to me 5 years ago. this statement has came back to me again.
i believe it has certain truth in it. how often do we see a person disliking, or even hating another to the core and almost all these time, those bad critics they made can also be found to exist in themselves.

i always amazed when people tell me, " oh i do not like that person because bla bla bla..."
on the surface i will say nothing but deep within, i will seek the 'how' question - "how do you know?"

really how do you know?
how do you know he is a liar if you are not one.
how do you know he is a hypocrite if you are not one.
how do you know he makes use of people if you are not one.

for we are what we see
a evil person will never find goodness from people
similarily a person with a good heart believes no one is evil.
from whose view point do you look from.
most of the time, it is from you own.

roman 8:5
for those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of flesh, but those who live according the the Spirit, the things of Spirit."

magnet repels because of the same reason.
so next time if you find yourself disliking someone, ask yourself, "am i like him?"

signing off with love at 11:00 AM
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how do we save a dying church?
we can't. not by our capability
but we can always pray
pray so that He can come in to resurrect the situation

signing off with love at 3:00 AM
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the key to forgiveness is forgetfulness
it is not avoidance
it is a grace from God to erase those unhappy memories
so that when your enemy comes to seek forgiveness,
you may ask, " what wrong have you done to me?"
beside forgiving others, we must also forgive ourselves
because if God can forgive us, yet we cannot,
does not that make us greater than Him?

if you ask seek justice, justice will come
but it may not be according to how you have intended
because He is in charge, not you
He knows better
He will judge all and no one is perfect in His eyes
but His grace and love is so huge that He overlooks our imperfection
pray that you have mercy instead

it is true that only He knows the real you.
it is alright to claim the need to hear from Him directly.
but have you ever considered the possibilities of His sent children to tell you what you always want to know.
for He does reveal secret.
and even so,
if He does come, can you differentiate His voice from yours or the devils?
if pride and stubborness prevents you from accepting advice from His children, what makes you think He will come to tell you.
God is He who does not do the unneccessary.

i pray that all of you may seek His wisdom.
so that in whatever you do, you may testify of Him.
for it is written in the bible,
if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. - james 1:5

signing off with love at 2:00 AM
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you are NOT a REAL christian unless you are water baptised

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year 3 sem 1 design project: seoul city hall
concept: seed
tutor: professor yi eun young
style: neo-classicism
date due: 20051114
remark: time to work

signing off with love at 2:00 PM
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designed by SoUnreal Designs[C].