
Ok it is really time to sit down to plan for my future. It is so funny, somehow I think it is time for me to get a wife. I am serious. After struggling with God over this matter, I have realised that I am loosing on my side of the bargin. It is really obey and ask for the best or nothing at all (and probably be miserable all your life kind of deal) He always give choices and if you are smart, you take the obvious one. (duh! do not look at me like some dumb beings cos there are worst who cannot decide between heaven and hell) Anyway my wishlist for God. Here goes....

I want to be married before 30 years old. I guess 28 would be a good number.
So it would leave me only 2 years to find a girlfriend, go on a date and then propose for marriage.
Wow! Talk about meeting a dateline. But God is able.

How my wife will be...
erm.. i am really loss. i cannot think of any right now. who is she, a korean? a woman of God? a strong woman who is like sun? hmm please pray for me all you people who are ever so hoping to see me getting attached and married. headache headache.. a good wife will make your life on earth as it is in heaven; a nasty one will make you life on earth a living hell!!

God help me!

sign off... sigh off.....

signing off with love at 5:26 PM


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