
John asked me a question today.
"What will you do if you have endless wealth and resources?"
I hesitated and considered very carefully. There are quite a lot that I wanted to do.

I questioned back, "What will you do?"
"I will do music, I always love to learn music."

I thought. hey! I can draw and do art ... but is that what I really want to do?
"I want to spend time to invest and share the gospel to the whole world!" I replied, at the same time wondering if this is a standard reply that most Christians will give. Apparently not.

This is the fundamental question of life. What will you do when you know you have everything in the world to back you up. What is it that really get you going after knowing that you have already achieved everything that you can possible dream of?" So many times, people find themselves distracted or worst, lost. They loose sight of their calling and their purpose in life.

Soon I knew exactly what I want. I want to train leaders, motivate Christians and make disciples. I want to create a pod for interactive sharing and discussion. I actually came to realise that what I want matches with what God wants me to do. I realised that that is my calling that God has placed in me - an apostolic ministry. Suddenly my vision became clearer. Praise God.

So ask yourself, "what will you do?"

signing off with love at 11:55 PM


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