Hi people, God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Ha Ha
Well Well, a bit nutty here since it has been late, about 1:30am for I have spent the last 1 hr clearing my e-mail and I guess I no longer have the energy to clear my office mail after this. Oh just in case for those who have no idea why, I was away for reservist for 1 week. 1 week of in-camp training. For those who know me and my extreme unhealthy working habit, let me tell you this, in-camp training is great! I am refering to the low-key ones. A good time to sleep, sleep and sleep.
Well reservist to some is tough, to some it is a good time to catch up with old peers, to others it is a time to be reminded on how unhealthy one is. To those who work too hard (like me) it is a time to relax. To sharpen the saw as described in the seven habits of the successful people. Really, rest is something so hard to come by and one thing remain the same in the army; people wait to be rushed and rush to wait and it continue. But hey no complain. It is really like a honey-moon for me and my bible. Got time to read bible and re-read until I get a revelation and I got at least one per day. Wah! amazing. And since I am just another man in the platoon, not a commander, not an officer, I just follow order. They do the thinking, I do the doing and this leave me physically burden but mentally free to focus on God,Jesus and Holy Spirit. Praise God for the rest. haha
If there is one thing that amazed me the most during my reservist, it is God. Ha, I went in with the conceived mindset to serve anyone whom I see. But to my surprised, I am being served like most of the time. Someone will help me with this and another will help me with that. Dunno why, probably God is in control. And also, I've noticed, it is really easy to tell a Christian or catholic apart from the rest of the people. Somehow there is a difference. (Hey I did not go around checking people for their religion. It just so happen that I knew at the last day.) These people, great attitude towards life, towards army and quick to volunteer and serve. They somehow shine and you can actually see them among the people. Probably this is what the bible meant by being salt and light. Wah. (or God probably want to show me how lousy as a servant I was!) Oh well no complain. Totally pampered, free food, free lodging, nice weather (mostly cloudy and windy except a bright hot sunny weather during the last day) When is my next ICT! haha
signing off with love at 1:27 AM
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