It seems like only yesterday that I've made the switch to become a teacher. 40 days in Lakeside Primary School has just gone by in a blink and I'm into my 3rd week in Jurong West Secondary School. It's amazing at how I'm so blessed by the people around me. The principals, the teachers and friends. Not to mentioned the students who had constantly made my day, both in the fun and not-so-fun way. If you ask me have there been any regret, the answer is no. Man! I should have done this switch a long time ago. But then I've learnt a lot during my 3 years in Mink and I would not have been the person I am today. I'm more aware and complain lesser with the things that I have to do. In fact, I'm not in the position to complain. I'm paid more and I work lesser hour. I have more time to enjoy myself, my friends, my family and my God. Woot!
signing off with love at 10:27 PM
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