Girls and their hair fringe
Inspired by a couple of my female students as I watched their hair fringe dance gracefully to the rhythm of wind.
What's the deal about hair fringe?
We are to be on high alert, sworn to remove any form of dangling articles from the head, as if it is some kind of serious unlawful behaviour. Teachers are armed with verbal instructional commands such as, "CLIP UP YOUR FRINGE!!". Others got creative and fight this warfare using their fingers to mimic scissors. A visual threat. It failed. The battle of the fringe continues...
Seriously, what the big deal? Does Clipping one's hair fringe make one nicer students? Probably ...? This superficial approach has not only aroused discontentment from the students, but has also created many unnecessary tension between the teachers and them. Yes we want them to be good students both academically and morally. But in my most humble opinion, fringe or not, it is not going to make any difference.
So why don't we invest our time and energy on something more meaningful, such as understanding and relating more to our students? Perhaps in due seasons, this fringe episode can be solved within every resolved individuals.
signing off with love at 11:35 AM
designed by SoUnreal Designs[C].
At March 13, 2009,
Lo Hui Ting said…
hello mr Yee~
At April 07, 2009,
{CxQ} said…
hello... mr yee... yes i finally found your blog... this article i agree with you... -.- i know i very lame so bear with it...
:) link me at singme-lovelies.blogspot.com...
why must clip up our fringe?????! coz all the teacher who catches fringe has no fringe mah...
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