
woe to all teachers.......................................who are involve in Book-Check
simply incredible how this thing can last such a deep impression in me to blog it.
Book-Check is simply about having the teachers to collect books or files from their respective classes to have them assess by the HOD in order to determine if their students are doing their work right.

sounds easy? not until you do it to find out...yourself

what seems to be an easy task is not that easy after all. The challenge comes once you have the revelation that the majority of your students are not exactly the neat and organised sort. You'll be amazed by their creative inventories, illegible handwriting and atrocious schoolwork. On top of all these, you will surely have one or two students who will not comply with your instruction,complete your homework or will simply disappear into 'somewhere else' to dramatically complicate the whole issues.

.... God help me....

signing off with love at 12:09 PM


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