
My Thoughts on Students

I love them all, they are like so good, so happy, so loving, so kind, so generous and so beautiful people. Although there are so many occasions I feel like I can strangle them, squeeze them so hard but still they are the one who had shown me signs of humanity when I first came to school. (refer to my previous post) What a relief....

But a couple of issues that irritates me a lot and is a no no

1) rudeness - come on, be nice. You have your problems, I have mine. So let's not make us our problems

2) climbing over my head - As much as I welcome you into my world to be my friends, remember this always, as long as you are in JWSS, you are my students and students climbing over a teacher's head is a no no. Trust me, you have not seen me when I'm angry and you don't like me when I'm angry.

3) not listening in class - for God's sake, you are here to learn and I'm here to teach you. Sometimes, it may be boring. I wish it can be entertaining too at times but nevertheless... CAN YOU SIT STILL AND LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY.

4) talking in class - talk at the correct time, learn.

5) shouting in class - learnt to talk quietly or whisper, your friend is just sitting next to you!

6) showing attitude - oh please, cut the childish behaviour. grow up

7) addressing me as Mr Yee - surprise! I really hate to be address as Mr. Yee. This is not the student's fault, but I thought you guys should know and cut down the frequency of calling me that especially outside school. Just call me Mr Kenrus or 'cher when you see me outside class! You will see the difference!!

signing off with love at 11:33 AM


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