
Dota Championship becomes Dota telematch
a telematch that was brutal, owning and wickedsick
Firstly, I was smoked by the sec 1s.
Then one of my best player, Marcus, did not turn up.
On top of all these, I was severally "owned''

The first match was still ok. It was 4v5. My team 4 members and team with strong players. I played the Stealth Assassin not too bad but opponent was strong. Unfortunately, we lost. Blame the noob in the team and it was not me.

Second match was up. 5v5. My team played with Jia Ning's team. His team consisted of Cao Cao, Marcus, Chun Kiat, Calvin and Jia Ning. It was horrible. First of all, this player, whom I did not know but in my team, took all the items that I've bought, leaving me with nothing. Then being an Huskar, a fairly not-so-strong hero during early game, I was owned! Life is like paper. Come out, ambushed by 2 heros, died. revived. Come out, kenna ambushed again, died. Revived... died... died... died.. I died 16 times. Sigh. Need to guess? My team was being tortured and beaten miserably.

Third match and it was with Jia Ning's team again. I was like... ok random player and I got Templar Assassin. Never use her before. Don't think I'll use her again. Die again.....

What a No0b am I....

Going to play again this Monday with the sec 1s. We shall see...

signing off with love at 12:23 AM


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