
My accounts on these 3 days of no teaching
Monday I woke up at 7:30am, ready for the new beginning. I felt happy, excited and great. Then I went for my morning job, then showered, then switched on my computer to check my e-mail, moe mail, msn, blog, facebook and I'm stuck with facebook. Barn Buddy followed by new game YoVille, then Fish a Fish. And it took away about 2 hrs of my morning. Horrible. Totally fun and waste of time. And you can guess how I spent the rest of the 3 days. Farming, Visiting, Kissing, Fighting, Joking, Fishing. Hai. Did I mention Dota-ing?

Then on MSN I saw WenHao, Enzo, Sze Kiat, Calvin and Marcus online. There were all unwell! Can you believe it? Something is happening and it is not good. No dota with them because they were all unwell but the following day, WenHao asked me to play dota with him!! Enzo asked me to play the next day. Dota getting boring.

I played Left4Dead with Deron, Felix and Weiyu on Tuesday and it was FUN. I think I love L4D more and I heard L4D2 is coming. Can't wait to play. Yeah Yeah

Gosh 3 days had passed and I have not done anything constructive. Not good Not good. Got to repent and pray and work hard. Let's study together!!!

signing off with love at 10:15 PM


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