DO YOUR BEST (in everything you do and I mean everything)
"Do your best" only for the important things is risky.
Most people just do their best for tasks that are perceived as important but here is the catch, which one of them is important?
Is preparing for your examination more important than doing your household chore?
Or is serving in a church more important than in a school?
The truth of the matter is that if you're going to do your best only for tasks that are important, you may just miss the whole picture. How can you be so sure? You can be wrong.
The million dollar question here: how can you know which one is more important than the other.
And the answer: You will NEVER know.
The fact is that in most cases, people misjudge and "do their best" for things that they thought are very important but actually are not. In the end, they loose everything they worked so hard for.
"Do your best" reflects an important attitude - FAITHFULNESS
Faithful people do their best to make sure that their tasks are delivered the best it can be. Faithfulness is displayed when people regards every tasks that are given to them as their own. And with that attitude, they will respect and treat every tasks as important. With faithfulness comes results; results which are not ordinary but those that break records and all expectation.
Unfaithful people do otherwise and they cannot amount much.
That's why it is important to do your best in everything because even the smallest task matters.
People who "do their best" are winners
because they are dependable. These are people others can trust to do their best no matter what. Not only will they finish the tasks, they will produce the most remarkable results.
So "do your best" in everything.
Do your best to be the best student, even when you are in the last class.
Do your best to be the best worker, even when your boss is mean.
Do your best to be the best child, even when your parents don't understand you.
Do your best to be the best friend, even when they take advantages of you.
Do you BEST even when you may not be the best, you'll emerge to be the WINNER.
If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities - Luke 16:10 (TLT)
And these are the people that God can trust... amen!
signing off with love at 4:21 PM
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