
Stress from work, stress from home, stress from School

I was told of an unfortunate swearing incident by a teacher in school. In another quarrel drama, a female teacher was attacked by a student with her flying kick. Years later and this teacher commited sucided. Sad....

What causes all these?
A word that is familiar to many

But before we even start to discuss about what stress is, (because you can find 101 definitions and reasons for stress in the Internet) I think we should identify the source of stress. and I think the source lies in us.
The primary reason why we behave the way we behave is because we are stress. It is not entirely by others but is mostly by ourselves. People rarely think about self-induced stress. Most usually blamed others.

"If he has finished his part of the assignment on time, I will not be so stress."
"If they have not given me so many problems, my life would have been much easier."

But think about this...
The truth of the matter is we are actually the one giving stress to ourselves. No one can stress us but we stress ourselves.

For students,
"Oh my gosh, I'm not such a popular person in class, maybe I shall talk more and make more noise before I go unnoticed."
So now you are hurt because you thought nobody notices you. You are unhappy because you thought you do not have friends. You are angry because no one cares about you!!! AND YOU ARE STRESSED!!!

For teachers,
"I must be really lousy that my class is making so much noise. I cannot control them. They are like monkeys."
Come'on teachers, if you have done your best, you have done your part. If your class happens to be the notorious ones, probably the whole school will know about it. So if you manage the class well, good. If you can't, seek help. If it still doesn't work, nobody is going to label you as inferior.

So finally what must we do? Stop stressing ourselves. I do not mean stress is evil. Some form of stress are good. Stress from doing your maths assignment or stress from a presentation is good. Because it helps to mould us to become the person God wants us to be. But please don't overstress yourself at the end of the day.

And if you are a believer (aka christian), you can always count on God Jesus Christ because...
In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? - PSALM 56:11
I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust." -PSALM91:2

signing off with love at 9:43 AM


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