Mulan is a good start. Now I want to watch more. So I thought maybe I shall write about some movies that I've watched and I want to watch.
I watched it. OK for me. The plot is thin and so unreal. 2012 is not going to take place. (Sorry for those who think you are left with 3 years and so why not play until you die and therefore no need to study. NO. 2012 is not taking place.) It is a science fiction, quite a convincing one but I don't really like this, compared to Independent Days or Days after Tomorrow. In the movie, no one seem to suffer much except for a few panic and fear. People just fell dead from tall building or into the ocean like ants (that is if you are watching from the big screen, it would probably look like a pixel if you watch it on laptop) There are nice volcano eruption and earthquakes and floods but come on, where are the close-up shot of people dying. But overall nice visual effects and I love the volcano.
I love it. Not just because it is free but because it has depth, has passion, has everything worth watching. The entire movie can be sum up with the word - SERVANTHOOD.
Servanthood means serving others at the expense of yourself. E.g Mulan served her dad by drafting herself to the army. She wanted to protect her country and loves one by serving as the best general-in-command. Xiao Hu (Mulan's buddy) and some of the soldiers served Mulan by sacrificing themselves to hold off the enemies. There are many other examples, so catch the movie
The Twilight Saga New Moon
Watched the first one, did not really like it but the trailer for the New Moon looks nice enough for me to watch. And I'm watching with my buddy Eric so it is cool.
Blue alien and Pink human with awesome outer space scenes, romance and warfare. COOL!!!
Planet 51
Cute and funny I think. I am going to watch this
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassua
Erm... Why don't you check out the trailer.
The Storm Warriors
Caught the trailer while watching Mulan. I thought it looks cool. But this shall be the "have done everything and have nothing to do then watch" movie
signing off with love at 9:02 AM
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