
Christmas is over and the year 2010 is approaching.
I'm so excited and so bless that despite 2009 is, to many, a traumatic year, it has been a bliss for me. I'm optimistic about 2010. The challenges I will face, the help that I need, the joy that I'll give and the revelation I'll have, (and the money that I'll make) I can't wait.

I want to thank God for the great 2009.
I want to thank Him for the coming 2010 that it will simply be AWESOME!
I got an awesome church, an awesome cellgroup, awesome friends, awesome career (going to an awesome school) and an awesome family. Who else beside our God in heaven is capable of providing that. (Not me, I really don't think that I have the capacity to work for all these)
That's why we need God. We need the love of God, the anointing of Jesus Christ and the help of the Holy Spirit. (actually they are one but ... can't fathom with my human mind)
It's GREAT being a Christian. I should have been one long long time ago!

signing off with love at 7:36 AM


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