Revisiting my blog is nostalgic. As much as I desire to blog as frequent in the past, I lack inspiration and time. On the other hand, Facebook proves to be a good substitution. Perhaps it is time to move on.
So what have I been busy with for the past months.
Busy with my teaching in Swiss Cottage Secondary School a.k.a Raffles of the West (someone told me) It is indeed. My experience in Swiss has been great. The management is great, the mentors are great, the teachers are great and the students are simply awesome. (Not to mention that white uniforms help to make the place looks brighter and bigger and happier!)
Well, there are many fond memories. Both good and erm... not so good. But one thing stays the same, 'nice' teachers always get bullied! "We are noisy because we like your class!" my students explained. I'm flattered and concerned at the same time. How to teach like that?! Sometimes I would rather they don't like me and listen in class. But will they really listen when they are quiet? An irony it is.
(to be continued...)
signing off with love at 7:50 PM
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