Can you believe it, working in my office on my birthday!! Sigh, not a good start but whatever, the job needed to be done. Totally mundane and I actually missed my support duty in church. Totally not according to my plan.
7 hrs later, on my way to church in the train, I was just ....... wishing how i do not have to go back to the office to spend most of my time there. But anyway praise God, job done, boss happy. Then Eka called from Britain. With a small still voice, kinda like Holy Spirit, " Happy Birthday Kenrus" Wow! Speechless! I thought I was dreaming. But yeah it was him. As usual, my first question, what time is it over there. It was 9:30am at his apartment. Certainly make a difference, a lot of difference. A light that brighten up my day. Praise God.
His birthday is on the 16th Nov. Got to remember.
where there is no more red
where there is no more blue
just purple....

But.. I am unsettled, I am uncertain. Partly I am afraid that this will be the only BEST gift I got from my friends. No, I am not a greedy person and I am not expecting a lot of material stuffs. But one thing that will deeply disappoint me and that is to celebrate a birthday for the sake of celebrating it. Just anxious, Just afraid that the people I care and I love, that they do not meet the fundamental expectation of a birthday celebration. Oh well I can only hope and pray that things do turn out OK at least (to avoid disappointment).
But God, I know you will turn up on my B day. You will be there with the BEST gift. Your touch from heaven. I want to be just like you.
No such thing as lawlessness
Recently my sister has just been baptised and she has gotten herself a baptised name - Trinity. Praise the Lord. It was such an event and the moment of new creation. Well if you asked me, I have no problem with Trinity. It is a great name, a name that instantaneously relate a person to Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. My CG members saw no issues with that name, my friends neither. Ironically, when this was let known to a friend from another church. Her reaction was, "What blasphemy.. disrespect." I was taken aback, shocked and to actually think that she is from a church that preached heavily on the grace message. I wonder..
After a few days, I sense a prompting. A prompting that seems to point out the importance of LAW. It has always seems to be a fantastic idea to live a life of faith where grace abound in the absence of law. Where there is no law to 'cause' you to sin and boundaries to restrict your freedom. Unfortunately, it will be an idea that will never work simply because human functions in a herd mentality. How many times in the bible has man been describe as a sheep. It is our tendency to follow. Follow what? A Shepherd, the standard, the law.
Seriously, in the absence of law, man will surely create their own. Just like in the absence of God, man create their own. All these to create a niche for like-minded people to come together for a common activity. Without law, there is no clear distinction of right and wrong. Without clear distinction, there can be no boundary. And without boundary, there can be no security physically or psychologically. Without law, man will become more lost than free.
Here is the irony, man can only truly be free under a system; law.
Not convince? Try writing a simple sentence without following the law of sentence structuring. You will get my point.
God does not live in the toilet
At times to hear how someone has gotten a revelation. And most of the time, it will be in the toilet when you are alone, naked ... with HIM. Slowly it may even seems k\like a revelation to know that He actually stays there. He is there waiting for you all the time. He lives there. Funny ah. not so...
How about the truth?
He so desperately wants to talk to you that He is even willing to meet you in the most humble place. A place where you will only be still and wait. Friends, we can be busy. We can be so busy that He is neglated. But do you know, He is never too busy for us? You are on His mind now as you read this. Read and know that He is now waiting to talk to you, if only you would listen. Be still, hear Him. Give Him the proper place; Give Him the glory; Give Him your time
Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
He is knocking.....
Going to provide a feast today.
A buffet spread for those who have been eager and waiting. My life is finally back on track. It has been two months of intense problem solving in the offices. It is my work I am refering to. My boss gave me two great 'lobangs' to look after. Lobang #1- Fusionopolis project which involves 3 levels of service apartments and 1 level of seminar rooms. Lobang #2- a bungalow house at gallop walk. Two lobangs indeed. Huge lobangs (holes) hidden within both lobangs (project) and endless issues to be solves and deadlines to be met. Need to catch a breather. Well at the end of the day, my boss is so impressed that he gave me a pay raise. Well PRAISE GOD. If not for such opportunities for me to express and develop what He has put into me, I would not have known I can actually do all these. Well for your information, I am doing a A&A (addition and alteration) to St. James Power Station, the pub beside Vivo City. And I am doing it with Ting Ting. Cool. Watch out for the new Bar coming in style this July.
Eventually, at the end of all these, it is amazing how life is really about problem solving. You solve one and another appears and it just keep repeating. Life is not a bed of roses and Certainly not in Heaven too. Isn't it what God has always been doing? He must be up there in heaven looking down and "oh no, my little boy is in a mess, not to worry, come to me and here is the provision." Isn't it great to have a God that takes in your problems and solves them.
Hi guys, I am back, pardon me for the long period of unmotivated blogging. Well it is a case of doing something that is not me. My attempt to start an "infor-taining" blog fail. The kind of blog that keeps the reader update with the current affair especially in the design field. Well I guess it is a flop, especially when designers are mostly likely to be out of touch with the current affair because of work. What an irony. Oh well, like what a young reader, Boon Yang, have reminded me, be yourself. Ok no more trying to be what I am not. Just be myself, me and most importantly my God.
Thank you Boon Yang, a friend I've found indeed.
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