woe to all teachers.......................................who are involve in Book-Check
simply incredible how this thing can last such a deep impression in me to blog it.
Book-Check is simply about having the teachers to collect books or files from their respective classes to have them assess by the HOD in order to determine if their students are doing their work right.
sounds easy? not until you do it to find out...yourself
what seems to be an easy task is not that easy after all. The challenge comes once you have the revelation that the majority of your students are not exactly the neat and organised sort. You'll be amazed by their creative inventories, illegible handwriting and atrocious schoolwork. On top of all these, you will surely have one or two students who will not comply with your instruction,complete your homework or will simply disappear into 'somewhere else' to dramatically complicate the whole issues.
.... God help me....
Today, most people want to be the leader with vision, power and success; none prefers to be the one accused of being responsible for failure and defeat. In my most humble opinion, i think a leader must not only know the season to advance but also the season to exit. That's tough and that's why I'm not in that role....yet.
"There are no right or wrong methods, just the right one"
super cool!!!
Girls and their hair fringe
Inspired by a couple of my female students as I watched their hair fringe dance gracefully to the rhythm of wind.
What's the deal about hair fringe?
We are to be on high alert, sworn to remove any form of dangling articles from the head, as if it is some kind of serious unlawful behaviour. Teachers are armed with verbal instructional commands such as, "CLIP UP YOUR FRINGE!!". Others got creative and fight this warfare using their fingers to mimic scissors. A visual threat. It failed. The battle of the fringe continues...
Seriously, what the big deal? Does Clipping one's hair fringe make one nicer students? Probably ...? This superficial approach has not only aroused discontentment from the students, but has also created many unnecessary tension between the teachers and them. Yes we want them to be good students both academically and morally. But in my most humble opinion, fringe or not, it is not going to make any difference.
So why don't we invest our time and energy on something more meaningful, such as understanding and relating more to our students? Perhaps in due seasons, this fringe episode can be solved within every resolved individuals.
My Apology
I was wrong.
I met this girl in class and she was simply 'amazing'.
She could not stop talking about the 'you know what'.
I caught her making fun of it and got her to stop talking about it.
and 5 mins later, she was still at it!
Totally disturbing....
God help them
My Students
My boys are really a bunch of monkeys, regardless of race, language or religion; express or normal ...The girls are still quite pleasantly behaved except for one or two who cannot resist the temptation to test me on their names over and over again. "Look, I cannot remember, it is not that I am not interested but your name is really hard..."
The problem is always on the boys. "yes and always, even when they' matured into adulthood. Probably they're so interesting that's why God created Adam first for fellowship, read amusement."
90% of my stress comes from boys. They are unexpectedly quite horribly childish and 'crooked minded' thanks to the awakened genetic code, embedded in all these head swelling and blood boiling teenagers. It is simply horrify to the point that a simple drawing lessons on cups and bananas seems like an eternal joke to them.
"...Cher, I did not bring my cup!"
"...Cher, can I get from her?!"
"...Cher my banana is small!!!!!"
In one of my classes, thank God it is only one, groin kicking seems to be a kind of sport that the boys play, for what reason, I do not know and do not wish to find out. The recent case left 3 weeping over their bruised jewels!
Man! Grow up! I really pity the girls.
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